Thursday, September 30, 2010

~ the flourishes of love .. .

i feel like i've been here before
.. . walking through a pastel forest, pale pink petals falling from the clouds{& with one leap i could sit atop those fluffy white chairs in the sky, & linger there, so lightly, for a time}

Saturday, September 25, 2010

~ a pink picnic ~

pink pearls, tucked in her pocket .. .

to share with special visitors on foggy days,

& spotting one pink tree in the clearing of a glen, like something from a Beatrix Potter tale, so beautiful a moment!

so i brought some goodies to share with you!!! Happy Pink Saturday!!! please drop by & visit Beverly to see a feast of pink offerings!!!

loveliest pink thoughts & brightest pink wishes today!!!

building lasting foundations .. .

.. . because we can!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

~ draped in loveliness ~

the colours of the rainbow are papered on the sky.
i lift my face to it, & then drape myself in its loveliness!!!

~ the garden gate ~

this morning we awoke to a baby brown snake, with fears its big mama might be lurking nearby,

& an old lizard visited us too .. .

through the lovely garden gate!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{to blend beauty.. .with love~oh how it sprouts!!!}

a medley of truth
a concoction of loveliness
an assortment of feelings
an array of jubilant understanding
{& tenderness}

~ a bounty .. .

a thoughtful weekend.. .
thinking of
- course corrections{how vital they are!}
- pyramids & potpourri
- & hearing a lady with a sick family member saying "while i was praying i was elated with hope"
- "my weeping immortal soul" from the movie 'Adventure' with Greer Garson & Clark Gable, a beautiful film!!!
{with gratitude for you!!!}