Saturday, October 30, 2010

my potpourri pot ~

out the front of our house is a stone garden pot where all the wilting plants go to rest.. .

twinkle, soft star!

tonight is doing the laundry against the backdrop of the nightsky, a palm tree looms on the left & in front, the thicket of bushes.. .in the immediate distance a streetlight stands firm & steady, & to the right, soft porch light glows.. .but as i bob the dress im washing up & down, the soap suds dance in the bucket, & the pattern of faint starlight through the window holds me mesmerized* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *in particular my attention is on one star, much brighter than the rest, & seems to be twinkling, like a gem being swayed from side to side in the moonlight. i checked it against the steady streetlight, yes it was definitely twinkling** *so i wonder upon it, as i tip the water down the drain, i smile, thinking maybe its morse code from heaven!

~ bright rays of cinnamon sunshine ~

today is sitting on the windowsill,
so the sun can warm my back,
while i pen little notes & read about mistletoe

& though i never thought i would think mice cute, i find these most adorable!!!

i heard him play ~

before we turned the corner, we knew him. his music told us so.. .it was the voice of a familiar friend, the strumming of heartstrings, reminding me that the challenges of yore were overcome, & we can too, its always good enough to start listening to your heart now, today, even if only the four walls have heard the music you've played for some 30 odd years!!!

we met this musician on Saturday, as he played the Mississippi blues, & at 70 years old, he's decided to "let someone other than the four walls hear his playing" he's been sitting in his home working on his talent for 30 years!!!

~ the colour of your melody.. .

today savours of a warm croissant topped with fresh strawberry jam, & the beauty of a coral hibiscus - the colour of a tropical sun.. .
oh & singing, always singing :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

how generosity revives me!!!

today is vanilla gingerbread & the colour of marmalade.. . with dashes of sunshine & fits of wind- splashing through the trees{making the Spring days exuberant!!!} loveliest thoughts for you

& two beautiful places!!!
.. .these too, i heart!!!

blankets of moss.. .

today is the charm of old Queenslanders{houses on stilts}, penthouses which i love!!!{to sit suspended as it were with the atmosphere ever-changing all around you}, being covered by a blanket of moss, & soft sparkles in the riverbank!!!

~ sailing {on dreams}.. .

arrivederci my love.. .
this certainly is a day for paddling onwards!!!

image 1/2 tumbler, 3 stephen n. meyers, 4/7

Thursday, October 21, 2010

~so much wonderful.. .

so much of the wonderful,
is hidden, -safe, for us to find-
if we seek -what is beautiful, a lasting burst of joy-

p.s.. .& today i love these!!!