Sunday, February 27, 2011

a beginning:

{of a thought journey}
where is that which is sublime?
& how may i acquire it?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

spotlights ~ Anna Chandler*

the beautiful work of Anna Chandler{how i love it!}
.. .a burnishing ache which arrives with creative perplexities
{how to make something remarkable, & lastingly beautiful from this life of mine?}
.. .this deep wind, yearning & gushing.. .whistling ttthrough my soul 
{& Winter, in all her silent glory}

today, i subscribe to the truth, that i may create the sublime!


though anticipating the vinyasa* of Spring, i am actually cosy perched within Winter.. .pining in my creative hibernation.. .& i would love a coat of woven rose petals, spun from the toppling threads of a silken cocoon{with matching rosebud clips to adorn my velvet shoes.. .then i would preen my way through Winter with a vagabond ignominy & wear a hat of lilac to the screening of the sunset.. .there, where evening thoughts parade ~ like a crescent star, gliding up onto my soul.. .sauntering/hopping/bending across my heart.. .& then a thought, 
Love, where are you?  

*to place, in a special way

Monday, February 21, 2011

on that which moves me.. .

oh so luscious!!!
a palette sublime,

today is the texture of seafoam & the veracity of love!!! {an infinite proximity}

Saturday, February 19, 2011

winter's blossoms

i could walk amongst them for hours!!!

today is searching for beautiful dreams :)
{all images via pinterest}
loveliest thoughts!!!

"Thy words are the sustenance of my soul,
the light of my heart!"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

~ the shimmer of a shell.. .


today is filled with a baby delivery, brown paper packages & piles of the softest folds coloured with love

floating down from heaven,
in the form of
tiny snowflakes
coating the whole earth
{as far as i can see}
with shimmering grace
{& shells}

~ a hope tree {she sits atop our hearts}

{& sparkles there!!!}

we leave this ornament tree up the whole year round, to remind us of kindness, of hope, of love.. .its usually atumble with cascading ribbons, but this last move has seen them misplaced, so for now, a little bare, but shining still{until they can be replaced}

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

her heart flooded mine

her heart was the most beautiful thing i encountered today.. .especially when i read this, then this & finally this, sometimes im wonderfully glad that i can't sleep because i find such amazing courage in spots i never would have otherwise known!!! im not sure if she's still accepting donations, but i will let you know.. .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

an ocean filled with rouge

today is a moment envisioned with handwritten notes piled up to the ceiling-litling all around me- as i sit cross-legged in the middle of the floor, & thousands of vintage manuscripts placed gingerly in antique bottles, bobbing oh so slightly-adrift & out to sea.. .

effervescent loneliness*
{too few nourishments}

& the mighty force of courage!!!

image 1 via, image 2 via the green dandelion blog, image 3 via smoking lily