Saturday, October 29, 2011

~ a study in colour {& soap}


i love colours, the way they move & evolve as the light ebbs & flows, the ambience they seek to create, the feelings they can instantly evoke.. . colour is sheer emotion!!!

& today for me is the rising halo of golden light, shining particles of joy into mossy forest domes, beckoning flowers to petal into resplendant rainbows & making the whole forest sparkle, radiant with life!!!

~ this phone.. .

shopping & Whole Foods, & taking pictures with a phone. Hugo soaps (of cucumber & rose, & their lotion of vanilla & orange blossom!!!!!!!!} & a dash of the marvellous.. .

along with an astonishing array of sadness, & Winter's everpresent chill.. .

wishing you warmth {wherever you may be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

{to wander through a dream.. .}

& wake up shining {inspired!!!}

lots of loveliness

all images via Harlequin

{to emerge/grow/discover}

this me,

is the one i know.
but this me,

has emerged somehow.. .
{possibly all those Saturday nights of dying my hair :) }

& she's ok too :)

have a lovely day!!!
{dream big!!!}

Sunday, October 23, 2011

~ an Autumn walk.. .

Autumn is: harnessing this saffron wind, scents of heart & cinnamon, bushes blushing full of berries, a cascading rainbow of golden leaves, crimson everywhere!!! & colours of sage & periwinkle (to decorate hemlines) .. .love {for everything, for beauty all around} & understanding {for moments when unkempt hair & hoodies are just plain necessary!!!}