we have the jacaranda tree here in Queensland
it blooms for about 2 months each spring
& has become such a favourite sight
so many shades of purple seem to emerge, walking with our dog,
& spring is a time for new beginnings & climbing higher
so i shall...with such a fondness for all who paved the way, giving a legacy of beauty, & a lasting after image of the virtues they fought for. These wooden spools remind me of my great grandmas home, we called her Little Nanna, & her floor boards creaked with mystery & age, the wall seemed papered with memories & the piles of books stacked all around the lounge room were pungent with the wisdom of the ages, her bread box & biscuit tins always seemed happy to share "just a little treat" & the little jewellery collections that sat on her dresser seemed to glitter with an undisturbable beauty. To see more photos like these, please feel welcome to visit here, a place where the golden glow of the afternoon sun lingers still...
Today is jacaranda trees, & concerts by candlelight{we had a power outage}, sheltering under lemon trees with tiny birds, & discovering soporiphic harmonies...today is throwing open the parlour doors of my soul...
Jacarandas are a delightful sign for the change of seasons. Hope the rain holds off for a little longer so we can enjoy the blossoms.